Tenería Vargas
Our expression
in leather

Tenería Vargas was founded in 1954 by Mr. Jesús Vargas Carrillo at the age of 21. With little experience and limited capital, he ventured into buying his first 7 hides to tan and sell. Mr. Jesús, recognizing it as a promising business with great growth potential, became increasingly involved.

By 1956, Mr. Jesús faced the complications of the business, which proved fatal for the continuity of production at that time. However, these obstacles brought invaluable experience and shaped much of what Tenería Vargas is today—a resilient company that has overcome industry challenges, specializing in the production of renowned lines such as patent leather.

In 1985, Mr. Jesús retired and passed the reins to his son, J. Jesús Vargas Martín del Campo. Under his leadership, Tenería Vargas embarked on a new era, carving a path in a demanding and highly competitive market.

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about us

Through years of effort, crisis, and ups and downs, the company expanded its reach and established a strong presence in other countries like the United States and Canada. With a vision to explore new markets, Tenería Vargas has become one of the leading companies in the production of high-quality finished leather.

Today, Tenería Vargas boasts a tanning plant and a finishing plant, staffed by experts in chrome tanning and finishing processes for various applications including footwear, leather goods, upholstery, and automotive.

To this day, Tenería Vargas remains committed to the evolution and growth of our clients, suppliers, and our dedicated team, who are our most important and active assets.

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